Lyman Library General Information

Hours and Access

  • Monday through Friday 6:50 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.

  • Passes (signed by the teacher) are required during class time. Students are to sign in at the Circulation Desk upon arrival and sign out when they leave.

  • Open access - before school, after school, during break, and lunch

  • Wonderful Wednesdays - The Library Media Center is open every early dismissal Wednesday after school until 2:40. Students are invited to use this time to study, do research, read, and enjoy the resources that are available.

  • We regret that the Library Media Center will be closed frequently during the school day due to state-required testing. We will do everything we can to make our resources available as often as possible.


Library Media Center use:

  • Please do not bring food or drinks into the Library Media Center.

  • Respect the rights of others to work effectively.

  • Use appropriate language at an appropriate noise level.

  • Show care when using all Library Media Center resources.

  • Any rule that applies in the classrooms at Lyman High School also applies in the Library Media Center.


  • Lyman ID cards are required to check out books.

  • Books may be checked out for 15 school days and renewed for an additional 10-day period, if no one else has requested the material. Books must be brought to the circulation desk to be renewed.

  • Materials are expected back by the due date so that they will be available to other users.

  • Materials should be returned in the same condition as when they were received.

  • The person who checked out the material will be charged the replacement cost if it is lost or damaged.

Computer Use

  • Every student at Lyman has an individual username and password which should be used to logon to the computers in the Library Media Center.

  • Remember to logoff when work is completed.

  • During class time the Internet is to be used for class work only.

  • Students may access email or surf the 'net during non-class time only.

  • All computers are attached to the laser printer at the circulation desk. Because we do no charge for printing, users are asked to limit their printing to classwork, brief articles, and websites that have a minimum of graphics.

  • The use of computers at Lyman is a privilege and you must abide by the SCPS Acceptable Use Policy and the Code of Conduct. The use of the school's computers for inappropriate non-educational activities (for example, playing games or downloading inappropriate files) could result in an electronic device misuse violation. Punishment could include, but is not limited to, revoking of network privileges, after school detention, or out of school suspension.

Services and Resources

  • Circulation of print and non-print materials

  • Access to electronic media (eBooks, audiobooks)

  • Newspapers (Orlando Sentinel, USA Today, Sanford Herald) and assorted magazines

  • Information skills instruction and assistance

  • Internet instruction and assistance

  • Computer use, including word processing, PowerPoint, Excel, photo scanner, Internet access

  • Closed circuit television

  • Lamination

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