FAQ - 9th Grade Engineering Registration

FAQ - Lyman Academy of Engineering 9th Grade Registration Information

  1. How will I sign up for my courses?
  2. How many classes does my student need to take?
  3. How do I pick my student's classes?
  4. What are the requirements to participate in the Academy of Engineering?
  5. Is my student required to take honors classes?
  6. What if my student is in the Gifted program?
  7. What if my student has an IEP?
  8. What if my student has a 504 plan?
  9. What engineering classes can my student take?
  10. Is Dual Enrollment mandatory?
  11. Who can I contact with questions about the engineering curriculum?
  12. Who is my student's counselor?

How will I get the registration form?

Course registration for students in the Academy of Engineering will be electronic. Parents and students will receive an email to the email address listed in skyward which will contain a link to a web form to complete the course selection process. Please visit the Registration Page of the Lyman website for this year's timeline and resources.

How many classes does my student need to take?

Students need to register for 7 credits. At least 2 of these credits will be the required 9th grade course Introduction to Engineering and a specialized course. Most classes are a 1 credit course meaning that they are yearlong. There are a few classes that are 0.5 credit and will need to be paired with another 0.5 credit course. Classes that are 0.5 credit are semester long (half-year) courses. All PE classes and some electives are 0.5 credit courses. The curriculum guide will tell you if a class is 1 credit or 0.5 credit.

How do I pick my student's classes?

Academic courses will be recommended and pre-registered by Lyman staff but can be changed by the parent by completing a course change form. Our Curriculum Guide will list all the classes available along with a description of the classes and any prerequisites for the classes. Every student needs to take English, math, and science. Ninth grade students can opt to take as an elective AP Computer Science Principles or AP Human Geography, as a kick off course to Lymans Advanced Placement (AP) Program. Foreign language credit is recommended to prepare for college but not required for graduation. Every Engineering student is required to take Introduction to Engineering Design and a specialized course.

Is my student required to take honors classes?

Engineering students are not required to take honors academic classes. However, the Academy of Engineering program is an Honors/Dual Enrollment level program. It is best suited for students working successfully at the honors level in their academic classes.

What if my student is in the Gifted program?

Students that are classified Gifted will be placed in honors classes with a certified Gifted teacher. The curriculum is the same as the honors curriculum; however, the teacher is certified to use learning strategies specific to Gifted students. You will be invited to meet with a Lyman Gifted teacher and update the EP in August prior to the start of school.

What if my student has an IEP?

All students are required to take the designated Engineering courses regardless of their ESE status. Your student should register for academic classes appropriate for their learning level. Your middle school ESE teacher and counselor would be a great resource to get class recommendations. In the spring prior to 9th grade, you will be invited to attend an articulation IEP meeting to develop a transition IEP. At that time, you will be able to address specific learning concerns with an ESE teacher and/or counselor at Lyman High School.

What if my student has a 504 plan?

We recommend that you work with your current teachers and counselor to select the appropriate level of academic classes. Your middle school counselor will hold a high school 504 transition meeting to update your student's 504 plan prior to entering high school.

What engineering classes can my student take?

9th grade Engineering students are required to take Introduction to Engineering Design and one specialized course. The specialized courses are listed in the Engineering section of the curriculum guide.

Is Dual Enrollment mandatory?

Dual Enrollment through either Embry Riddle or Seminole State College will only be required in the student's Senior Year, providing the student meets the colleges minimum participation requirements. Grades in the dual enrollment classes will be reflected on the Lyman HS transcript and the appropriate college transcript.

Who is my student's counselor?

ESE Students (with an IEP)

All other Students (assigned by last name)






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