Timeline and Resources:
Feb. 8 - Light Up Lyman @ 6:00. Please join us as we Light Up Lyman HS to illuminate all the wonderful opportunities you can take advantage of during your high school career.
Feb. 14 - A registration email will be sent to 8th grade students/parents assigned to Lyman for next year. (Email will be sent to parent email address listed in Skyward and to the student's SCPS email address.) **Please check your spam filter.
March 6 - Due date for elective web form submissions.
Class Change Request Form:
Class Change/Override Form
Classes that require Applications:
Latinos in Action (LIA)
Young Men and Women of Excellence (YMWOE)
Virtual Period Request Form
Registration Resources:
Lyman HS Curriculum Guide
Lyman HS Graduation Requirements
Lyman Student Services Staff Contacts
Academy of Engineering Resources:
FAQ - Engineering Academy Registration
Academy of Engineering Website