Lyman High School's Little Greyhounds Preschool is a laboratory preschool offering a hands-on, unique learning experience for children ages three to five. The curriculum in the preschool is taught by Lyman High School students enrolled in Early Childhood Education that have successfully completed one full year in Early Childhood coursework prior to being in the Preschool Lab. Students study developmentally appropriate practices for the preschool age child. They learn to write lesson plans, practice guidance skills, and complete seven DCF training courses. After this full year of intense training, students will apply their knowledge as they teach the young children who join us in our Preschool. Our student-teachers are in their second, third, or fourth year of our Career & Technical Education Early Childhood Education courses. Preschool-aged children who take advantage of this special program are from the local community. A small fee is charged for supplies.
If you would like more information about the Little Greyhounds Preschool, you may contact Lisa Jebb, Preschool Director at 407-746-2334 or
[email protected].