Honor Code

Rules & Procedures for Academic Honor Code at LHS

Lyman High School's honor code will be reviewed in class, and communication will be sent home.


Lyman High School Honor Code/Academic Integrity (Cheating) Procedures


The purpose of Lyman High School's Honor Code/Academic Integrity Procedure is to prepare students for the world of college and beyond, where cheating and plagiarism have strong consequences including removal from college or the workplace.


Lyman High School expects all students to adhere to high ethical academic standards. Academic dishonesty-including plagiarism (copying the work of another), cheating, using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between students for the purpose of gaining an academic advantage - is strictly prohibited. Cheating demonstrates a lack of integrity and character that is inconsistent with the goals and values of Lyman High School. We expect the grade that a student earns reflects knowledge acquired by that student. We, therefore, will not condone, nor tolerate, any student submitting work that is not produced solely by the student's own initiative. It is important to understand that the purpose of homework, assignments, and assessments is to ensure that learning takes place.

Honor Code/Academic Integrity Defined:

Lyman High School's Honor Code/Academic Integrity covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, assignments, and projects, both in and out of class. Cheating is defined as representing someone else's work as your own or allowing someone to represent your work as their own. In a broad sense, cheating includes, but is in no way limited to, the following:

  • Using or being in possession of an electronic device at any time during a test or quiz

  • Copying, handwritten or electronically, from or allowing another student to copy from a test, homework, or other course work-which is not intended to be collaborative in nature

  • Working with others/collaborating on an assignment that was assigned or intended to be completed individually

  • Taking someone else's assignment or portion of an assignment and submitting it as your own

  • Using an electronic device of any kind to take a picture and transfer answers or questions to a test or quiz

  • Reporting to another student what is on a test or quiz, including providing questions or specific answers

  • Talking during a test. The teacher cannot be expected to determine the content of a private conversation between students. As an example: talking during tests is considered cheating.

  • Using any secretive methods of giving or getting answers on a test or quiz, including cheat sheet or any other unauthorized aide(s).

  • Opening another browser tab on a laptop or computer during a testing session.

  • Using the internet in a dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work

Proactive Measures:

When a student is not sure what would be considered cheating for a particular assignment, she/he is responsible for requesting clarification from the teacher. Teachers will clarify the appropriate usage of electronic devices and collaboration. You will be informed of their classroom procedure, which is based on teacher or administrator discretion as to when an infraction has been committed.
Consequences: The Seminole County Public Schools Student Conduct and Discipline Code 2018-2019 will be followed as it relates to the Honor Code.

(Seminole County Public School's Student Conduct and Discipline Code 2018-2019)

Defined: Page 6

Academic honesty and integrity are essential to the existence and integrity of an academic community. Without maintaining a high standard of honesty and conduct, the academic reputation of a school is compromised.
Students of Seminole County Public Schools shall refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, misuse of electronic communication, or other deceitful means of obtaining inflated grades. In addition to receiving all consequences listed below, students found in violation of the Honor Code may lose additional academic and extracurricular privileges.

Honor Code Violations

Zero on assignment Zero on assignment Zero on assignment
Parent Contact Parent Contact Parent Contact
Saturday School or equivalent In-School-Suspension or equivalent Out-of-School-Suspension or equivalent
*Citizenship Standards invoked *Citizenship Standards invoked

*Information on Citizenship Standards include participation in extra-curricular activity or sport. Consequences for violating SCPS Citizenship Standards can be found in the SCPS Discipline Code of Conduct on page 24. Please note, clubs, organizations, and sports may have additional consequences per their bylaws or program handbook.


In order to support the Academic Integrity Procedure for Lyman High School, we will utilize the following procedure for all testing environments, including quizzes, unit assessments, and quarter exams. This procedure is aligned to the SAT, PSAT, and FSA Testing Policies.

The following assessment procedures must be followed by all students:

  • All students must turn off cell phones, smart watches, and electronic devices.

  • All devices must be placed either in the student's backpack, or in a secure box provided by the teacher.

  • Devices must remain in their secure location until the teacher has collected all assessments.

  • Any students who violate this procedure will be subject to Electronic Device Misuse and/or Honor Code Violations.

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